Sermons (Page 64)

Sermons (Page 64)

Good Friday

Well, friends…here we are. Good Friday. A day that we commemorate every year and, yet this year feels…heavier. The realities of fear and grief surround us. The power of disease and death is at the forefront of our minds. The physical distancing may be leaving us feeling isolated. And on a day where I find comfort in a community gathered around the cross…I am here…and you are there…we are apart and yet…connected…

Maundy Thursday

We heard Jesus say, “If I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.” Hmm. Wash another’s feet? Every Maundy Thursday it’s a struggle to encourage this practice; and tonight, how would we do that from six feet away? How, Jesus? How? This is the question I’ve been asking for most of our planning for these Three Days. How do we do this, and how do we do that virtually? And, on this night, when foot washing is the center of this gospel text, and when we usually gather for a variety of communal, embodied experiences–how do we do this?…