In-person Worship
Sundays at 10 a.m.
We are excited to welcome you to in-person worship! We gather at 10 a.m. on Sundays. To help you get a feel for our community here is some helpful information.
Learn about:
COVID Safety Practices (updated May 26, 2023)
With the recent end of the U.S. Public Health Emergency and the U.N.’s COVID Health Emergency, you may notice the following changes to our Sunday worship:
- Masking communications will be phased out both online and in person. The congregation will no longer provide masks at the door; however, as a community, we affirm the choices of others to wear a mask if so desired.
- In-person requirements will be relaxed. We still encourage you to join us on Worship Livestream if you are not feeling well.
- Communion kits will no longer be provided. However, you’re welcome to take communion in the pew if desired. Please let an usher know during Communion and the Communion servers will come to you.
- The COVID-19 Vaccination Policy has been retired for in-person volunteers and staff. We continue to encourage everyone to regularly visit a doctor and remain up-to-date on vaccinations as expression of thanks for God’s gift of science.
- We will no longer send COVID exposure notifications after we have been informed that an individual has tested positive following an in-person event.
The following practices will continue as they have proven useful for our community:
- Fellowship time will be held outside when possible as we enjoy the Gathering Garden and give thanks for God’s gift of creation!
- Social stickers will remain so that you can communicate your physical comfort level. We have heard that even in the absence of COVID, these can be helpful indicators for those who prefer space for a variety of reasons and are helpful in expanding accessibility for the diversity of attendees. NOTE: These will be available on the new entry signage for you to take from a pouch (see a picture below).
- True HEPA air filtration units will continue to be utilized as a means to improve air quality and better welcome those who are sensitive to allergens.
- Balcony seating is available to spread out or for a different view!