“The Night Ministry” Feedings
Every month we prepare 75 meals for the hungry in Chicago and distribute them alongside The Night Ministry’s Health Outreach Bus in Pilsen. Our regular service date is the second Thursday of the month. We need volunteers to help purchase food and assemble and distribute meals. Those interested in serving can contact our Night Ministry coordinator, Maria Edstrom (medstrom2003@yahoo.com) or click here to get connected
Building Committee
Our building is a vital ministry in part because it allows us to provide a unique space for many different outside groups to gather. The building group is responsible for helping care for the church building and grounds. The group meets every other month to assign tasks around the building and occasionally holds work days to help fix, improve, and organize the church. Contact Pastor Jason (pastor@wickerparklutheran.org) for more information, or click here to get connected

GroundS Group
This group helps plant and care of the garden beds around the church. As a form of eco-justice, we prioritize native plants when possible. Click here to get updates about our garden group activities.
Meet & Eat
“Meet & Eat” groups gather four times each year (once each quarter). The primary focus of the groups is fellowship and developing relationships. We ask participants to commit to attending all four events with their group for one year. The menu, location, date, time, and other details are coordinated by a Congregation Council via email. New pairings are made in January, April, July, and October. Click here to communicate your interest.
Playgroup (On Hold)
Parents and children gather periodically for some fun and fellowship. Some gatherings feature a craft, other days a special book reading, occasionally a potluck, and every time it’s a great place to have fun. Connect with other parents by joining the “parents group” by clicking here.