Anti-racism Ministry

Anti-racism Ministry

Our goal is to “equip and empower the congregation and staff to respond to injustice” (Looking Forward). As a denomination, the ELCA made a formal repentance for the church’s complicity in slavery and “the ELCA’s perpetuation of racism” (Declaration of the ELCA to People of African Descent). At WPLC, our work continues as we move towards a more anti-racist organization to bring about God’s justice and peace for all.

OUR Ministries

  • Anti-Racism Resources
    • Watch, read, and learn about anti-racism work in the church and across the nation so that you can better put words into action.
  • Anti-racism Workshops/Trainings
    • Join the congregation and synod partners in participating in regular events held virtually and across the Chicagoland area.
  • ELCA Anti-racism Pledge
    • Join the ELCA as we commit to study, prayer and action to become an anti-racist individual in an anti-racist church.

Anti-Racism Ministry Leaders

WPLC sees our anti-racism work as a ministry of all people in the church. At the same time, they have established a steering committee called “Anti-racism Committee for Transformation” or “ACT” for short. ACT is compromised of both people of color and people of white as we work to understand and dismantle systemic racism. You are invited to join us in this transformational work, and we strongly recommend an antiracism training as a helpful framework. Contact Cathi (, Denise (, or Pastor Jason ( for more information on how to get involved.