Do you want to explore the Bible with other adult learners? Have you wanted to dive more deeply into a biblical book? Do you wonder how the early church engaged? Then, Third Sunday Teachings (TST) are for you! TST are a 50-minute period of adult education following worship on the third Sunday of the month. We also offer kid’s TST at the same time.
From October 2019 through May 2020 we will be gathering to explore the book of Acts together. Depth is given by experiencing the whole sequence, but each session is a stand-alone experience as well.
There is a “learned guide” that goes along with each session and can be helpful for preparations. Copies will be available at all Third Sunday Teachings or you can contact Pastor Jason to get a copy (773-276-0263 or pastor@wickerparklutheran.org). A suggested donation of $10 -15 to offset the costs of the guides is welcomed.
The Holy Spirit is clearly at work in Acts, pouring out on people from many nations on the day of Pentecost, giving Jesus’ disciples the power to speak boldly, gathering early believers together for worship, and sending out Peter and Paul as missionaries. In this course, participants will examine the beginnings of the church and will find meaningful connections between the early church and the church today.
This 8-session course explores selected passages from Acts.
- Oct 20 – The Spirit Creates Community (Acts 2:1-47)
- Nov 17 – The Empowering Spirit (Acts 4:1-37)
- Dec 15 – The Spirit on the Margins (Acts 8:1-40)
- Jan 19 – The Conversion of Peter (Acts 10:1-48)
- Feb 16 – World Upside Down (Acts 17:1-34)
- March 15 – A Riot in Ephesus (Acts 19:1-41)
- April 19 – On Trial for the Resurrection (Acts 24:1-27)
- May 17 – And So We Came to Rome (Acts 28:1-31)